
Effective Date: January 10, 2024

1. General Nature of Information

The content provided on the One Fitness App and website, including but not limited to information provided by Iulia Danilova and any other coaches or contributors (collectively referred to as “Coaches”), is for educational and informational purposes only. The information is intended to support, not replace, the relationship between you and your healthcare providers.

2. No Medical Advice

The Coaches, including Iulia Danilova, are not certified personal trainers, nutritionists, or healthcare professionals, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The guidance and resources offered on our site/app are not intended to be, and should not be taken as, professional medical advice. For any health-related concerns or conditions, it is crucial to consult with your medical doctor or a qualified healthcare professional.

3. Responsibility for Use

By choosing to use our site/app, you agree to take full responsibility for your actions based on the information provided. You acknowledge that individual results may vary, and that any fitness program or dietary change should be undertaken with appropriate guidance and consideration of your health condition and goals.

4. Limitation of Liability

One Fitness, its Coaches, and affiliates will not be liable for any injuries, illnesses, damages, claims, liabilities, and costs which may arise from or be related to your use or misuse of information obtained from our service.

5. No Endorsements

References to any products, services, processes, or other information by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by One Fitness.

6. User Discretion Advised

You are encouraged to critically evaluate the content and use your judgment in applying any information obtained from the One Fitness App and website, considering your individual circumstances.

7. Changes to the Disclaimer

This disclaimer is subject to change at any time. We will make reasonable efforts to inform users of significant changes, but the continued use of the site/app will constitute acceptance of the new terms. Contact Information

For any queries or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at [email protected].